Our Design and Publishing Process

Getting Started

In the first instance, we'll send you our "Author's Guide to Publishing with Echo Books." This guide explains our design and publishing process and offers helpful tips.

If you'd like a quote, complete our "Request for Quote" form. This provides the details we need to create a firm quote for you.

Once you're satisfied with our quote, we can proceed.

Showcasing Your Forthcoming Book

We'll work with you to finalize the title, subtitle, blurb, and cover.

With a finalized cover and blurb, we create a dedicated webpage on our website for your book, allowing readers to register their interest.

We can further enhance the page with your bio, additional images, testimonials, reviews, and even multimedia elements.

Production and Quality Control

If needed, we can connect you with trusted freelance proofreaders, editors, artists, or cartographers.

Next comes typesetting your manuscript. You'll have two opportunities to review drafts and make revisions.

We assign and register an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for copyright protection.

Once everything is finalized, we arrange for a print proof. Your book is only published when you approve it.

Publication, Distribution, and Sales

We distribute your book through Lightning Source, which then supplies major resellers like Amazon, Booktopia, and others.

This makes your book available for purchase online globally across various websites and platforms. Links to these retailers will be added to your dedicated book webpage.

Retail stores can also order your book directly from Lightning Source.

With every sale, you'll receive royalty payments.


We maintain your book's webpage, while individual resellers handle sales through their websites.

Marketing and publicity remain your responsibility, allowing you to arrange book launches, reviews, or speaking engagements.

You can purchase copies of your book at cost price through Echo Books and resell them at your chosen price.

We send sales data and royalty payments to you at the end of each financial quarter.