A Fascinating Investigation

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A Fascinating Investigation,

into the murder of Shock Jock 'Big Ed' Bradley.

By Greg Cary

Talkback host Edward ‘Big Ed’ Bradley thought he could say what he wanted, but being outspoken can also get you killed.

From the Gold Coast to Brisbane, Sydney and the beautiful seaside town of Lennox Head, the story unfolds from the perspectives of both the detectives and the murderer they are hunting.

Greg Cary draws on his decades of media experience to weave in important and interesting issues along the way – including defamation, the limits of free speech and the ethics of revenge.

Those who read Cary’s An Absence of Certainty will welcome the same insights, humour and easy style that marked his debut.



“Greg’s as good a writer as he was a broadcaster. This is a terrific book. Smart and interesting” – Everald Compton AO, author and founder of the Inland Railway

“A wonderful behind-the-scenes look into radio and the media more widely. You’ll enjoy the story and the many byways Greg travels. Fascinating indeed.” – Ian Forsyth, crime fiction enthusiast

“Greg’s first book, An Absence of Certainty, was a remarkable memoir. His new novel is intricate and riveting – an absolute must-read!” – T.J. O’Hara, author, media commentator and former candidate for President of the USA

Available in Paperback (ISBN: 9781922603319) through the following booksellers:


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